Thursday, October 18, 2012

Workout schedule


I'm number one! Actually, I'm usually last. But last night I was the only one at the track (other than my Dad) so I got the number one lane.


So since this is supposed to be a workout/lifestyle/running blog, I guess I should post my workouts to keep track of where I'm going with this. With no further ado, here is my current workout schedule:

Monday - easy run, 35-45 minutes

Tuesday - TRX class, 1hr

Wednesday - 1 hr of hills or track/speed work

Thursday - TRX class, 1 hr (and maybe a 1/2hr run)

Friday - rest day, unless I missed a workout earlier in the week

Saturday - long run (at the moment it's anywhere from 16-25km)

Sunday - rest day.

Last night at the track was good - I love running when the weather is cooler because I feel stronger for a longer amount of time. We decided to focus on nailing our race pace so we did 1km repeats at race pace, interspersed with 400m easy jog. After 5 of those we did 100m repeats. Neither of us is going to be the next Usain Bolt. I "think" I had read in Runner's World that if you do 100m sprints at the end of a workout it helps train you mentally and physically for the tough spurt you need at the end of a race. Mission accomplished - it was hard, but it felt good.


After...I don't know why it looks like I was chewing on my tongue...

Tonight I went to TRX class. It's wonderful and I semi-dread it and semi-love it. I did it consistently for about 6 months a year and a half ago but then dropped out because life and laziness got in the way. I started back up recently and while I thought I was literally doing to die a painful exercise induced death after session two, now I'm feeling good and strong. I like TRX because it is good for everyone - you can make it as easy or as hard as you can handle. For someone like me who doesn't drink milk because the carton is too heavy to lift (just kidding - I'm sensitive to dairy which is why I don't drink milk. But really, those milk jugs are heavy man!), TRX is good because I feel it helps strengthen and grow lean muscle instead of bulking up. I have no idea if that's actually the case, but that's what it does to me. Or what I like to think it does to me. Tonight however, I felt a bit of exercise guilt. It's a weird feeling to work your butt off for an hour (burning up to 800 calories - or so I have read), and feel like maaaaaybe you should crank out a half hour tempo run on the treadmill "just because". I didn't, because I was really looking forward to opening a bottle of wine and sitting on the couch, but it's a weird feeling to feel like you haven't done enough, when you know technically you have.

Calm before the sweat-storm - TRX. My beef with TRX? Because its at a local gym near where I live, they hold it on the mezzanine above the pool. The HEATED pool. Which I'd love if I was being a pool chick and hanging out in a bikini. However I'm trying to work my wobbly butt off in 90% humidity and it blows. Also, I love Neil Young. LOVE him. But playing it as gym music? Really?


Speaking of wine, not that I expect anyone to read or follow this blog of mine, but I should add a disclaimer that I am not, by any means, a super health-nut guru who claims to know all there is about running, working out, health, food, etc etc etc. Basically, I want to document my growth, changes, failures, goals and hopefully success' on here. I will also document silly things like my husband and dogs, friends and food and many other random things. I am not claiming to be super super healthy. I love wine. LOVE it. I love nice European cheese. I love chocolate. I love beer (that one took a while but I actually do have a taste for it now). I also love the "good for you" stuff like broccoli and egg whites and spinach, but I can promise you I will be posting pictures and writing posts while drinking wine and eating cheese and calling it "dinner". Rest assured the next day I will go back to egg whites and protein powder, but to be honest, it's all about balance. And I honestly don't like cooking that much so it's a kind of fend-for-yourself situation in my kitchen (poor Dusty).

And so I don't forget, some things I'm going to have to post about soon are: running goals, running music, favorite healthy living/exercise/lifestyle blogs I read.



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